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EPROM Programmer

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Best practices EPROM programming Best Practices for
EPROM Programming,
IC Chip Programming,
and Reading of IC Chips with Critical Data

ESD control (1) Static discharge precautions

Wear antistatic conductive straps at all times when handling IC chips or circuit boards. Even small ESD sparks (which are so small that you cannot see) are very damaging. The worst is: IC chips that are damaged by electrical static discharge may still function. But they are like soldiers who are "walking wounded" and may fall at anytime.

Professional EPROM programmers (2) Use proven, good equipment

Needless to say, if you are doing serious work, ypu need professional equipment. Leave the hobbyist type of EPROM programmers to the hobbyist. As an engineer or professional, your time and reputation is not worth risking on equipment that may give rise to trouble.

Programmer, Device selection (3) Select the right device in the software

The right device needs to be selected from the list of devices in the software. If the wrong device is selected, the programmer may apply the wrong voltages to the wrong pins and may damage a device.
For example, if you have a 2764A, you cannot select a 2764, which uses a higher voltage.   More ...

master IC chip (4) Reading the Master

When we are given a master IC chip from a customer to make volume copies, we handle it very carefully, especially if it is one of a kind. Here are the steps we take. Hope they will help you when you need to read from IC chips that contain critical data.

(A) Test the setup with one of OUR OWN IC chips before touching the master.   More ...

buffer checksum (5) Make good use of checksums

When you name a data file, it is a good idea to embed the checksum as a part of the filename. For example:
When you or your operator load the data file a month from now, if the s/w displays a different checksum than 1234, then you know something may be wrong.   More ...

Buffer with duplicated data (6) Examination of data

After you have saved the data into a data file and put the master safely away, it is wise to take a look at the data buffer. For example, if you see blocks of duplicated data at address 0000, 0080, 0100, 0180, ... it suggests that IC pin for address A7 may not be connected.   More ...

Icon programmer project (7) EPROMs with quartz windows

EPROMs with quartz windows should be covered with opaque labels after programming. (within about 15 minutes). Since foil labels are more opaque than regular white paper labels, they are better.

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